1. Intro [Joel Vandroogenbroeck - Sign From Space [Biomechanoid - Coloursound - CS 1 - 1980] / F C Judd - Space Links [Electronics Without Tears]
2. Moggi (Piero Umiliani) - Officina Stellare [Tra Scienza e Fantascienza - Omicron - LPS 0040 - 1975]
3. Mario Molino - Cattura Satellite [Inside - Fonit Cetra - ILS 9044 - 1975] / Delia Derbyshire - Souls In Space [The Tomorrow People] (September 70 Edit)
4. Thomas Luck – Kosmos [Amiga – 1969]
5. Hugo Montenegro – Spaceport [Toomorrow – 1970]
6. Aleksei Rybnikov - Mlechnyy put' [Bolshoe Kosmicheskoe Puteshestvie – 1973]
7. Gerhard Narholz Electronic Studio Orchestra - 0 Uhr 13
8. Bruce Haack - National Anthem To The Moon [The Electric Lucifer – 1970]
9. Mario Migliardi – Apollo Beat
10. Peter Thomas - Galaxy Fall Out
11. Hal Blaine – Inner-Space (October) - [Psychedelic Percussion - 1967]
12. Michel Gonet - Moon walk [Futura, Synthesizer Music - Crea Sound – 46549 - 1980]
13. Cosmic Jokers - Galactic Joke (b) [Cosmic Jokers – 1974]
14. John Matthews - Power Source [Afro, Spooky - Rhythm, Percussion - Southern - MQLP-39]
15. Janko Nilovic - Ballet Dans Le Cosmos [Percussions Dans L'Espace - Montparnasse 2000 - MP 42 - 1975]
16. The London Studio Group - Journey Into The Fourth Dimension [Tooth For A Tooth - Music De Wolfe - DW/LP 3119 - 1969]
17. Egisto Macchi - Extra-Terrestre [Futurissimo - St Germain des Prés - GDP 117 - 1971]
18. Paul St John - Spaceship Lover [1972]
Most recent September 70 Mixcloud offering. A 30 minute atmospheric space related mix with the occassional flash of digital manipulation.
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